
Número de Registro

Mesa composta por representantes do empréstimo do BIRD para investimentos no setor elétrico brasileiro.

Entre os presentes na assinatura dos documentos dos empréstimos estavam, da esquerda para a direita: Jorge Mejia-Palacio, Diretor Executivo do Banco Mundial para o Brasil; Sua Excelência Vasco Leitão da Cunha, Embaixador do Brasil; J. Burke Knaoo, Vice-Presidente, Banco Mundial; Antonio Francisco Pereira, Delegado Suplente da Fazenda do Brasil; Octavio Marcondes Ferraz, Presidente da Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. (Eletrobras); Ronaldo Moreira da Rocha, Diretor da Eletrobras; Leo Amaral Penna, Diretor da CPFL, CFLP, CBEE, CFLMG e Presidente do CAEEB; Oswaldo Adalberto Guimarães, Representante Autorizado, CPFL, CFLP, CBEE, CFLMG; João Reginald Cotrim, Presidente de Furnas; e Sergio Octaviano de Almeida, Diretor Jurídico de Furnas.

Tipo Documental
FotografiaTipo documental
Estado de conservação
BomEstado de Conservação
14 x 24,3 cm
Verso: International Bank For Reconstruction And Development, Washington, D.C. 20433 LO-403-474-BR-1 LO-475, 476, 477 E 478-BR-1 On December 19, 1966 the World Bank made five loans totaling $100.6 million in various currencies for electric power projects in Brazil. Four of the loans were made to the following companies for the improvement and expansion of their transmission and distribution systems: Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz (CPFL) – $41.0 million Companhia Força e Luz do Paraná (CFLP) – $8.1 million Companhia Força e Luz de Minas Gerais (CFLMG) – $6.3 million Companhia Brasileira de Energia Elétrica (CBEE) – $6.2 million The fifth loan, of $39 million, was made to the Central Eletrica de Furnas S.A. (Furnas) for the second stage of the Estreito hydroelectric power project on the Rio Grande. The first stage, which is being built with the help of an earlier $57 million BANK loan, involved the construction of a 533,000-kilowatt power plant; the second stage comprises high-voltage transmission lines to connect the station with Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. Four banks are participating in the $41 million loan to Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz for a total amount of $865,000. The participants are Bank of America National Trust and Saving Association, San Francisco; Crocker-Citizens National Bank, San Francisco; Girard Trust Bank, Philadelphia; and Marine Midland Grace Trust Company of New York. Six banks are participating in the $39 million Furnas loan for a total amount of $700.000. The participants are The First National Bank of Chicago, Meadow Brook National Bank, New York; and Bank of North American, New York. All participations are without the guarantee of the World Bank. Among these present at the signing of the loans documents were, from left to right: Jorge Mejia-Palacio, Executive Director of the World Bank for Brazil; His Excellency Vasco Leitao da Cunha, Ambassador of Brazil; J. Burke Knaoo, Vice President, World Bank; Antonio Francisco Pereira, Alternate Delegate, Brazilian Treasury; Octavio Marcondes Ferraz, President of Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras S.A. (Eletrobras); Ronaldo Moreira da Rocha, Director of Eletrobras; Leo Amaral Penna, Director of CPFL, CFLP, CBEE, CFLMG, and President of CAEEB; Oswaldo Adalberto Guimaraes, Authorized Representative, CPFL, CFLP, CBEE, CFLMG; John Reginald Cotrim, President of Furnas; and Sergio Octaviano de Almeida, General Counsel of Furnas.
Acervo Memória da Eletricidade