
Clipe Memória da Eletricidade 07

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Em 1956 o governo de Juscelino Kubitscheck prevê a construção de grandes hidrelétricas e termelétricas que aproveitasse os excedentes da produção carbonífera do sul do país.
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like that would be quiet [Music] it's faster foreign now we have the the lecture the coordination process in a hydraulic based system from Francisco good afternoon this lecture was prepared practically in two days and I received the invitation with a lot of honor to be to come here today make this presentation in this international meeting I received the invitation last Friday and uh of course I didn't have much time to prepare a more elaborate lecture that would go more in depth about the issues that are being dealt here that could reflect a little closer issues of criteria in even methodology and due to this I tried to to give a more General approach more superficial approach to the issues here debated and eventually what I will say here and will not bring many news for you it was not my interest to bring anything new for you here mainly because they don't exist today due to the deregulation processes that are happening all over the world but I am very much concerned about something and I will talk about this to you and I hope I can give you a little contribution and understanding better a few Concepts I believe in Brazil we're still in a process of transition and this process almost always leads us to some doubts to some some sensations of lack of motivation such a sensation that these beers as as the concepts start to get more firm more established and I believe this is my intention through this lecture as I said before is a more General lecture I want to contribute so that we can understand a little bit better the concepts because once we understand well the concepts even if if there are little differences very subtle differences indeed if they exist they may lead to great resource results results even negative results so this issue of concept is of extreme importance however the title of my lecture proposed by the coordination is a more General title the coordination process in a hydraulic based system I I decided to speak rather about the Brazilian situation uh having in mind that as we are all aware of we have a a very single situation all over the world of characteristics in our electric sector sector even in very typical situations just like the Brazilian monoi the North or the Norway system that is profoundly hydraulic our system has great differences in terms of the size and the behavior of the hydraulic system itself so my focus is on the Brazilian system as in a way as a way to take advantage of this moments to discuss the changes that are happening within the sector I prepared um the transparencies in English I am speaking in Portuguese and I I believe uh this will be interesting for all of you and also for our foreign guests they will be able to follow my presentation easier together with simultaneous translation they can read our transparences in English and for the Brazilian colleagues by I will speak in Portuguese and I'm sure they won't have any problem in understanding we won't have any any language barrier during my presentation foreign [Music] because it is a concept you must start exactly in the basis so I I have to mention have to to mention some things that I think are extremely relevant which are the basic concepts connected to the electrical sector that have changed radically in the last years first of them uh this concept that historically the electrical sector has been considered in its logical fundaments uh supported two great uh logic fundaments which are the pillars of our concept that is a so-called natural monopoly what is a natural monopoly in economical terms a natural monopoly is when we start from the the idea that that solution is the most advantageous one from the canonical standpoint or another once the one that yields to lower costs that's the one this is an issue that when a corpora was installed in the United States in 1978 when there was a already there's broad understanding that the generation in the electric sector that characteristic of natural monopoly didn't exist anymore there was a space for computativity this is an issue that I believe has been broadly understood and and understood all over the world this loss of the natural monopoly but there's another side the right side here considering the electric sector that is a public good with a public service and here we have a little more we need a bit more understanding as Dr Lazaro yesterday talk to us here in Brazil it is a constitutional the electric service is a public service with constitutional basis however one day of course with this with all these changes that are happening all over the world in search for competitivity and uh I am I very much an inside the project of changes in the system but also linked to Old Concepts a colleague of mine from semigue approached me and herself Francisco what do you think what is your opinion uh why electric energy is a public service I started to to to talk about a number of situations first of all it's a good that is used by all it's a good that serves all modern society it's a good that is necessary for the development for the for pro progress the original developments of all the areas in other words I mentioned the many advantages after that he asked me how well let's imagine salt for example is it a necessary good for the population I said yes it is it is and it's a basic need all the population need salt they have they need salt in order to survive of course some abuse salt others are prohibited of using salt due to Medical uh prescription but in general it is a a a good of public domain everyone must have it so he asked me why the distribution of salt is not considered a public service and then I I started to get mixed up in my head I thought that's very interesting point you know everyone needs that in a general way and it is not considered a public service why not well afterwards I the conclusion that of course it's not a public service it is not a public service because it's a system that the market itself regulates going even deeper in this issue we conclude that the electric sector it's not uh similar to Salt because unfortunately up to today we don't have technology and it would be very hard to have this technology in the future that technology that allows us to go to a supermarket and buy packets of electricity so what characterizes the electrical sector uh very makes it very different from the other Goods considered public goods it is in the concept of a commodity is that electric energy demands a certain level of coordination Demands a certain level of treatment a differentiated treatment and then yes it allows a certain characteristic of public sector and practice however we then have a second point we have when we got into the situation there is the needs that we we have the uh the gift we must develop as much as possible to find the real Watershed in other words we must know how to exploit in any situation of ourselves we must know how to exploit in any environment Where We Are base of self-regulation I see here my friend and I remember our famous nautical or some decades ago he created the famous load frequency control the principles of load frequency control known by everyone as automatic generation control what is then this automatic generation controller load frequency control in the past what is this it is a system totally self-regulated system if it's totally self-regulated it means that it is very simple to be managed if we have that little touch from the gene of Mr Nathan Kong Nathan Kong to clarify the phases of HSC so that that things would start working we have the other side of the coin as well as the case of Federal Express we all are aware of that that reached the conclusion that their process of back distribution was a process that needed a high degree of regulation of coordination a transferred all its operational bases to inside the United States established a system that is eminently centralized of control and it leaped in quality it was a great leap in quality in terms of competition all over the world and it became the federal express that we are all aware of so we must find the Watershed of self-regulation in order to find this Watershed we must profoundly understand the concept so if this concept is so easy as I am placing to you here in a transparency and on overhead if we translate this into practice sometimes it's not as easy to understand in terms of its basic principles its Concepts I'd like to leave this very clear here right now is not a natural monopoly in other words it's not totally faced as a natural monopoly we we found that it is not also totally it must be totally faced as a pure Public Service public good as I have just mentioned so all over the world they are these three pillars between the past and the future are being built the first pillar is natural monopoly so there is a pillar for competition there's a bridge for competition the second bridge is of the public service in which there is space in order to transform Public Service in a in a business concept a stronger business concept a clear business concept more Dynamic more objective and the third Bridge here is that the electrical sector up to to now has lived very little with externalities and we are living today in a moment in which externalities things from outside are fundamental uh things from outside in the market due to environment and also in the hydraulic system this is even more obvious for us because besides the impact in the environment there are the great externalities uh provoked or by the multiple uses of water so we must be able to understand very well these externalities these things that come from outside in order to get out of the of that public service label to understand that there is a space for competitivity for competition we must be able to understand well the domain of this externalities without going beyond the space or competition that we want to give of course if we compose this forces we will be in condition to leave an end of the scale and get to the other end in other words the left side representing the total need of control a pure Monopoly energy as a pure public service and the the right side it's a business competition totally controlled totally directed by the market forces it's totally Market driven totally these deregulated and energy is considered a pure commodity of course not neither the the British model is not to the right side of the process it's important not to know if we're here or here it's important to be aware that we will find our space and function of our peculiarities of our circumstances of our particularities and the moments that the Brazilian sector is living right now I think this is the important point if we can find this moment or we and I believe everything will be natural as a consequence will be very quick before going on to the reason of my lecture itself I'd like to say a little word about what is going on in Brazil right now I'm not going to make any approach about the restructuring of the Brazilian electrical sector even though because it's it's crawling in its first initial steps but I believe it is fundamental for us to to make another Bridge about what I have just said and what comes what comes ahead of us here in our country we have then we have some forces some driving forces that are that are leading us to our re-regulation our restructuring here in our country the first of those is the attraction of the need of for attraction of private Capital local and international investors these are the things we must search for the may be the main reason for uh the main reason of all of those is the need to to tap resources in order to leverage the expansion of the system maybe this will be the main focus right now that we are going through the need for a search of a larger a greater efficiency of the secret Factory itself and also the process of introduction of competition that will work as a medium for these things to happen the decision for privatization of the from the government aiming basically having basically two objectives the search of our company competition especially the search for competition and with this the government is getting out of its role as entrepreneurial state to regulator State and supervisor state supervisor of the national interests but with another very important point for the Brazilian government which is to tap resources and through that tapping of resources through privatization to make a a a amortization of this public debt you have also to say that there is the world wave of deregulation that of course this influences us in a way or another sometimes a beneficial or influence sometimes it's a non-benefical influence but we must be very careful and in knowing how to take advantage of the Dominate dominating wins of this future however knowing how to extract of those dominating wins extract the the spaces for of feds of Fashions I believe this is these are fundamental issues that we must always bear in mind what is happening in Brazil we're we're living with a hybrid situation that leads the international Investments to to a little uncertainty this week the newspaper has said that Dr Peter grinding together with Mario's Sons were in the seminar in in London and there was a little frustration for the international investors due to what was said there not from uh not in the Brazilian government but what was said there because they could not show a Clarity a a an opening for the international investors I believe this is this is simple maybe you all know this what happens is that what happened is that we have to live with a hybrid situation this is what is happening right now and this is what would be Optimum to happen this is the ideal situation in the left side we implanted those two laws that Dr Lazaro mentioned very well to us yesterday but those are systems that were implemented with great and deeper formulations in the system but in in mainly the inch with mainly the introduction of the the retail customer or what share whichever name you want to use it leads to deep Prof a deep modifications in the system but without knowing exactly a very clear focus of where we want to reach in terms of our sector but unfortunately we cannot stand still waiting as seeing the watch The Watch movie and we are stopping we're standing still and Brazil needs investments in the electrical sector we must find a way out of this in this way out is to bear in mind that we must live with a hybrid a temporary hybrid situation where these devices implemented regulation definitely regulating their basic aspect for example a bidding process a in a more concept of the independent producer and it's a space to take immediate infection active effective action that allow us to continue with the expansion of the system program parallel to that the Brazilian government intends to hire International Consultants uh who which would have the mission of proposing a basically basic definite model on top of which afterwards the modification would be made in no the legal framework that eventually and it very likely this will imply in modifications in here in what is written here and then yes we could start with a definition of the regulation in terms indefinite terms and long lasting times so that we could go on to an implementation process therefore this Duality this hybrid situation we must live with it unfortunately we cannot cry the cry over the fact that we did not develop this concept of basic models so far time has gone through has gone by we must walk forward we must imagine it this way and try to accelerate accelerate this process and so we can continue and meet the dimension and the country would not reach a situation of having to cut down its energy Supply in the future years what actions were developed in terms of actions towards competition search for competition these are things that you are all very aware about it has been established through our to the acts 175 of the Constitution that was regulated through the air to 8987 or concessions law the process of providing buildings through public bidding process it has been clarified to you yesterday through Dr Alonso we have reading to introduce some basic pillars some basic devices in the process of competition the introduction of the independent power producer the establishment of the of the open Acts and there there is a means now that makes this feasible in some way this means of course we'll have to be reformulated it's called centrel or national system of an electric energy transmission it was conceived in a certain point in time a certain conjuncture the moment the conjuncture today is another of course we must reformat that reformulate everything in order to continue with the project process of implementation especially of the Open Access and we also introduced this is definite here I'm not going to going back on here they don't depend on regulation anymore because regulation is clear but the retail willing for the large consumers consumers these that would be currently labeled of 10 megawatts or above 10 megawatts that have tensions of 69 KV or above that so this is a device that has been created there's no way back and an acceleration in the process of privatization that has been broadly discussed here so far more specific about the hydraulic system of course we have had the opportunity through some presentations here in from Norway from Sweden some other references to the hydraulic sector it's characteristics and peculiarities but I have I have to say I have to be repetitive here because this is very important in the concerning the objective of my lecture so here we have some aspects that give a unique quality to any system first of all that the water is a multiple use uh item electrical energy navigation supply of water in the hall and the homes um flood control Etc the consequence there are several agents developed in the process not only the electrical sector but for outside agents communities Etc it's a system that has a stochastic Behavior because the basic input is water it requires and induces the needs of great transfer of energies between regions between areas of or generating areas and there is a certain content complementarity between the Cycles in Norway they don't have that because you have the period of summer in the period of winter when you have a lot of ice while in Brazil we have different hydraulic situations uh all through the country because this is a very large country sometimes a certain river is in the period in a season of rains and the others in the drought season so there is a complementarity that must be treated with a coordination process so this causes these unique conditions which is the basis of the electrical poems be it competitive or not the need of having a coordination for managing conflicts the several conflicts that may appear Within These different usages and the needs of use for maximizing the resource that the the the the resource called water or any other activity connected to water what are the characteristics of the Brazilian electrical sector besides all this what are the very peculiar characteristics of our system we have a hydraulic system which represents 95 percent of all installed capacity only about five percent comes from of thermoelectric energy we have great reservoirs with the so-called bed reservoirs that provide non-annual regularization regularizations which take four or five years they regularize the courses for these periods we have great transfer of energies between regions especially between the Southeastern and the South Region due to these hydrologic behaviors which are different we have a situation which generates complexities we have different utilities operating the same river the same basics this brings other conflicts generally uh generation centers far from load centers and here we have the real Ayah important item all this plus the characteristics of the system caused Brazil to implement according a centralized coordination highly concentrated highly centralized beginning with the planning for expansion planning of operation until monitoring of real time with the bases in two main objectives the first one is to optimize energetic resources and the second to look for trustfulness of reliability of the system this situation nowadays is seen as what how is it configured how is it set up we are under a Criterion that is established in our the Creed law that says that the whole Brazilian energetic system must be coordinated managed controlled based in a con in a concept of the rating of benefits and costs everything goes around it it's the rating or polling there are advantages distribute the advantages throughout all the participants disadvantages the same way to do that the use of the system is the only great goal and from then on we have among several other things I chose two we have the rating of a fossil fuel costs the the CCC uh it's a rating which is the divides the costs among all the participants and the rating of surpluses of energy establish the forms for defining the values if there are surpluses they are shared through this rating system in a very centralized system from operation to the DN Services which is responsible for the definition of all Supply contracts it has everything it is very centralized a decision Criterion Etc but all this we can squeeze and squeeze and we'll get the same juice the Brazilian system is managed as if it were a very huge Enterprise a very huge company and if I come to install a power plant it is as if I just built it and gave it to the system it did not belong to my business it belonged to the system you do it with it whatever you want it is as if it were that uh that way of course all businesses survived within this process because this did not exist we could survive in a situation like that because we didn't have the so-called retail agreement if it were a no huge uh utility as if there were only a market a very huge Market with low attractivity low productivity Etc however this such this situation allowed for it because there was a captive market and from the point of view of the market it has very low uh entrepreneurial risks this does not exist anymore we cannot operate under these circumstances the Brazilian system cannot be managed to having this or taking this as a basis and what did the situation cause to the need that the surpluses of energies were always sold to a specific consumer that the regional uh producer decided to sell to so the decisions are definitely technical uh if a financial evaluation but eminently technical without taking into consideration intrapreneurial or business or strategic points of view and very few very little freedom to commercialize the energy how are these forces for the change I said that we cannot continue to go that way so what forces are acting so that this takes up another Direction evidently I'm making an exercise of thought of a scenery you may have a different scenario but basically this is uh part of my pedagogical presentation that our forces that already recognize that competitivity is a need but they are still forcing uh competitivities competitiveness to be as slow as possible and there are forces that go the other way around the first one is the understanding that the optimization must be the only goal the only focus this cannot exist we do not operate the system only to optimize it has its space it's room but the focus is not that anymore because if this Focus exists there is no competitivity so we must know exactly how to to divide and share these things the technical aspects of the sector Mr Fraser mentioned he talked about the technical culture that's a very difficult aspect for the implementation of new aspects of a new ways of doing things the history of the of the system as a whole which is a successful story as as much as the public see it it had its role in a certain moment but it was correct at that time but if it was a successful story in the past it tends to be a block a roadblock in the future and evidently a certain current in the federal government that do not want to that does not want to lose the status and poses some difficulties in these changes in the way of these changes the forces that are that act on the on this side are these first of them privatization so since the government displacing a lot of force into privatization it's it will induce High competitivity due to the action of the private agents and their interests looking for greater profitability we have the introduction of Independent Producers end of the the new consumers because we all have a free market world or beneficial World references all of those which we have seen and we have so we have seen in the last few days and the entrance of new agents that promote they do not bring that old culture they influence as agents that uh kind of triggered the the the choice of New Opportunities so what do we see in the future what in what scenario do we have for the future first of all I'd like to say that because it's an imminently hydraulic system we cannot evidently disconsider the need of optimization of the resources this is obvious in a typical pull system why was the pull created to optimize the resources of the participants in the electrical system there must be optimization to integrate to maximize the resources of all the participants this is inevitable this is the focus that must be changed this is what I've been trying to establish as an idea this isn't this has nothing to do with a Criterion this is my a way of thinking we have to pay attention to these aspects first of all the planning must be oriented it's a classical model for any process of restructuring the coordination of the system optimization of the system is not the only focus the main reason or the only reason for the sector but it is a basis for everybody's welfare for all participants all competitors it is going to be a basis a search a kind of a platform a kind of a springboard for bringing new participants and from this space is from this platform we have a condition to establish greater freedom for negotiation and for supplying we have several actors considering fixed contracts in the spot Market somehow regulated we can adopt the standard that was used in Norway or any other different standard but a kind of regulated spot Market the monitoring of the system and the part of this patching of generation according is what we have seen it continues to exist in any system under or deregulated system because it's a basic need as we have seen before the aspect of Open Access Dr demarstony mentioned this morning that there are two possibilities in Brazil one through an operational agreement not the big centered centralized aspect but a very broad operational agreement or through a grid operator an independent operator of the Grid or a traditional business that can operate this I believe personally my own company believes that way too that we think we should exploit at least in the beginning the aspect of it uh organized or inter-organizational agreements that are several companies several business and in our country in which we have Continental areas we have to use the examples of other countries they were very small or smaller Geographic areas when you introduce such a huge amount of land that are other things that must be taken into consideration and we believe this should be the first uh trial the first way to follow now we would be willing to take up other risks at the market risks advantages for the companies we see that we will have we may have direct negotiation of energy surpluses with those that are interested in the market a greater flexibility for a commercializing your energy in the next transparency we're going to deal with that again in which the decisions that were essentially technical [Music] disregarding the technical and entrepreneurial decisions now we have the entrepreneurial decisions the business decisions based on technical decisions of course but these are more relevant now the aspect of commercialization of secondary energy I think it's important for us to talk a little bit more about that because or better saying for that I'll make it comparison between uh two systems a hydraulic system and a thermic system a very simple analysis just for us to have an idea of the rationale that is behind it in a typically terminal thermal system the system is planned in terms of an available energy which is already known that our techniques were doing that clearly taken into consideration the needs programmed or non-programmed programmed outputs we have conditions to establish the Turbo System to so that if it fits our market so that it's suited to our Market a typically hydraulic system what do we have to answer to the needs of the same Market which is a firm characteristic Market we must have what we call Guaranteed energy and to have it we have to install a greater capacity than that because of a factor of utilization of hydraulic power plants which is lower than those of thermal power plants what but later besides those the needs which would be the same we would have to install this whole power of generating power to have the usage of this amount here we have the appearance of a new figure in energy which is the temporary aspect we have this guaranteed energy it's calculated it's evaluated based on a risk of five percent of non non-supplied during five percent of the time you have the possibility of having surpluses so these surpluses obviously I can create a market for them that which I call a risk market for a risk market for them and a market in which there is a possibility of interruption of outages in the system and this Market is fundamental for us to accommodate certain markets especially those intensive electric markets we have a great potential for exactly as it happens in Norway in the market of feral Alloys in which we have the possibility of accommodating this risk Market because it may have lower prices of energy so it's important for us to treat this differently now in today's environment can we do that yes we have some freedom we have to change to have more flexibility and make this more feasible when I said that the analysis was simple of course as you broaden this analysis you see that five percent doesn't make much of a difference but as you amplify it you have conditions obviously to make this energy more easily available and to have more space for you may have new contracts and make joint ventures or contracts for temporary supplies for turbos in the mix of both energies will make the final cost to be competitive for part for the parts and here here we can establish a market that is basically firm in they would have it would have established contracts they are important to give an entrepreneurial basis and also that is uh supplied by other parts of the spot market and this upper part here is specifically a spot to Market somehow identified as such I think this is very important for us to make these considerations if we don't do these considerations we run the risks and serious risks for example there is a gate a great trend of preserving the CCC in the present environment which I consider absurd CCC is that rating of fuels in the new environmental uh and competitive environment this must disappear but evidently if there is the need of having a transition space let us created to accommodate the situations of a certain businesses or certain regions but do allow for it to exist in a competitive environment within the principles among the principles that I mentioned I don't think that it is a good rational it goes against the concepts and to finish my thought the less transparency the last overhead it's a lower it's an overhead in Portuguese which presents the synthesis of everything which we intend to happen in Brazil generation we start from a past of a monopoly a future of competition concessions they were just given away to the the utilities very much and based in the geographical Monopoly from now on it will be through bidding by prices the market which was a captive Market nowadays it will be gradually liberated the supply to the consumer within this concept of Market it should still compulsory the exclusivity of a Furnishing it becomes obligatory only the segments that are still captive tariffs as our colleague said this morning the oh it will be an only tariff by the cost of service until loss 60 or 31 and the rest based on the cost of the service and from now on differentiated essentially on the basis of Prior based on prices operation Upper from that full concept of operating as if it were a huge uh utility now it's going to be cooperative it will have to leave this concept of Co-op cooperativity to go into uh a competitive aspect it was mandatory it is part of any mod and social capital in Brazil due to the privatization process which was mainly was basically state-owned tends to be predominantly private so this is the synthesis which I had to present and I hope I have been able to contribute somehow for the explanation of these Concepts thank you all for your attention [Applause] thank you Francisco thank you Francisco we now uh we now have the debate session those who want to ask questions for the the speakers May introduce themselves and say where they work and then let back please go back very well my name is Jose Le Peck I work for sidria I have a question to Mr Fraser it is a specific question to you sir the hydro has a great tradition and research and development activities r d activities and it has also it has an Institute or a specific department for r d as I believe I would like to know from you ah how are these activities after this restructuring that happened in your company you know us concentrated transmission software is foreign um [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you this is beneficial transmission is foreign foreign transmission thank you [Music] foreign [Music] in okay um foreign I do foreign foreign [Music] all the stages of planning and operation in real time of course but I I I wanted to I am I emphasized
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